The Zoomlion Leasing : Your Financial Leasing is simple and tailor-made, so that we can offer you higher standards of flexibility and convenience.
Tailor-made downpayment, with vast range of options to choose from : One installment or the entire amount of your trade in, so that the client can replace or simply buy a new equipment Cifa-Zoomlion. One can also choose, the number of installments and the amount of downpayment.
The Duration: from the minimum allowed by the Italian Low, till 84 months following the last changement given by Italian Governement (D.L. 02 Marzo 2012 N.16 Decreto Semplificazioni)
The Interest Rate: fixed or variable to be choosen by the customer with very low "spread" on the reference interest rate (Euribor 365 at 3 months) applied.
The Rental: each customer can choose between many option that will include a fixed, increasing or decreasing rental, montlhy or quarterly and with the possibility to include maintenance service offered by authorised Cifa body shop.*
The Residual Value: each customer can count on a fixed residual value, to be paid at the end of lease contract. Without any adjuntive fee or expence.
The management fees: very low in each phase of the contract life.
The services: very low approval turnover (24h on average), few documentation required at the beginning of the process.
*condition subject to a specific approval given by ZLC Credit & Risk Departement.